・穴サイズ・・・推定0.7mm前後 上部に前後穴
No.8.11 在庫ございます
≪item details»
This is the sales page for grains whose patterns clearly look like landscapes and plants. No. 4 is discounted due to cracks. The paper under the stone is 4mm square.
Hole size
… Estimated 0.7mm, with front and back holes at the top.
Shade… milky white. Light gray to white ground color with black and brown wood and leaf pattern inclusions. Translucent to opaque stone. The color may vary depending on the grain.
Tip chipping
… almost none.
≪Item Description»
This atmospheric dendrite opal/agate has a thickened light gray to milky white ground color with fern-like leaf and tree pattern inclusions.
The mineral name: natural quartz.
Gem name: agate (agate) in the previous identification, and the interior is described as opal/agate because of the mixture of agate and opal.
The word "dendrite" is derived from the Greek word "dendron," meaning "tree," and the black pattern is a general term for natural stones in which iron oxide and hydroxide dissolved in groundwater seep into minerals (agate, opal, quartz, etc.) and form a fern-like pattern that crystallizes. The black pattern is a general term for natural stones.
Each piece of stone does not have the same pattern, but has bubbles and gradations of color, making it an interesting material.